Director: Zeno Gratton
Cast includes: Khalil Gharbia, Julien de Saint Jean, Eye Haïdara
Hosted by Polari Literary salon's paul burston
83 mins + 120 mins / 2023/1985 / France, subtitles

*Please note this is now cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. We are sorry for any disappointment caused. *

Dress up prison-style and enjoy some clink cocktails while we watch two great prison-themed films back to back - one new release fresh from this year's Flare Film Festival, The Lost Boys paired with a surprise cult classic to be unveiled on the night. This is an event not to be missed!

The Lost Boys (2023)

Is it possible to discover freedom within prison walls? Seventeen-year-old Joe is preparing to leave the detention centre where he has spent the past few years, but the arrival of William, a new inmate, will reshape his concept of what freedom truly means. Zeno Graton's electrifying and self-assured debut captures a love of rare strength and sensitivity while also examining prevailing notions of masculinity, sexuality, and power structures through a different lens.

Surprise Cult Classic (1985)

To be announced on the night! Clues to come on our socials, but prison couples is the theme!

An epic double bill of treats awaits you! All tickets a bargain £20.

Grab some clobber from Dandy Vintage

Get some traditional US prison-wear from Dandy Vintage via our special clothing deal, for your clothes to match the look of the film.

How you can support the Electric Palace:

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