Electric Young Film Programmers Presents...
Surprise Screening: Brick
Is it a (Cameron) Crowe? Is it an Airplane!? No, it's a mystery! Find out more about Young Electrics...
Director: RIan Johnson
Cast includes: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Lukas Haas, Matt o'Leary
110 mins / 2005 / USA
Off-beat drama imitating the conventions of 1940s hardboiled film noir as a teenager investigates his ex-girlfriend's death in a small Southern Californian town. Brendan (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is an outsider at his high school, but when his ex-girlfriend Emily goes missing, he decides to investigate. Teaming up with The Brain (Matt O'Leary), Brendan gets close to Emily's group of eccentric and sinister friends. As he begins to suspect the figure known only as The Pin (Lukas Haas), Brendan insinuates himself into his inner circle. But will Brendan uncover truths about Emily, or more dangerous truths about himself?
The Young Electrics is a group of 10 young film programmers who meet at the cinema every Wednesday evening during term-time to learn about cultural cinema, research film titles and plan cool film screenings for 16 – 25 year olds.
Look out for this group's events by ‘Electric Young Film Programmers Present...’ in this programme with surprise screenings. The film titles will be released 2 weeks beforehand via our website and social media, and you can book as normal through our website.
If you know a young film enthusiast they can apply to join this new group by emailing julia361@btinternet.com . Applicants should include a short reason why they want to join the Electric Young Film Programmers, and why they think they would be a good member of the team!
*Check here for film updates two weeks in advance of screening date