Director: Don Sharp
Cast includes: Beryl Reid, George Sanders
90 mins / 1973 / UK

David Tibet of experimental music group Current 93 will be with us to introduce the film, and here he shares his synopsis of Psychomania:

"Imagine Altamont held in Emmerdale Farm. And the cast of the Carry On films on drugs hallucinating that they are in Easy Rider. Or would you like to see methods of suicide — only to be reborn, of course — in ever-more inventive, unlikely, ways?

Psychomania is one of my favourite films. It is funny, ridiculous, creepy, touching, a camp and groovy '70s picnic trip, with an utterly bizarre plot involving How To Gain Eternal Life—somehow, anyhow! — through ENTERING the MYSTERIES of a Hallucinatory Frog Cult — sometime, anytime!

With the immaculate Beryl Reid — every film she is in is already perfect purely through her presence — and the wonderful George Sanders—who sadly did kill himself shortly afterwards — PSYCHOMANIA also has a gorgeous, inventive, soundtrack, by John Cameron, and an astonishing theme song.

Never has a deranged, demonic, motorcycle gang been less suited to being evil, nor more bizarre, than these "Death Wheelers", to use the US title of the film.

If you have never heard "The [un]Holy Sound Of Revving" filling the sky, NOW is the time — and you will definitely FEAR shopping in supermarkets once you leave The Electric Palace."

- David Tibet

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