Director: Barnaby Thompson
Cast includes: noel coward, Alan Cumming, Rupert Everett
get a free cuppa with your thursday morning £5 ticket!
91 mins / 2023 / UK

The first ever feature documentary about one of the most talented, accomplished and multi-faceted artists of the 20th Century.

Noël Coward grew up in poverty and left school when he was only nine years old. He was queer in a very straight world.

And yet by the age of 30, he was the highest paid writer in the world, and a star on the Broadway stage.

Against all odds, Noël Coward became the most successful multi-talented artist of the Twentieth Century. He defined an era and led an extraordinary life. This is his inspirational story told in his own words and music, and unique home movies.

Thursday 11am screenings only £5 and include a free cuppa.

Celebrate Pride at the Electric Palace:

Two rainbow flags held in the airThis film is part of our collection of Pride celebration films screening during August.

How you can support the Electric Palace:

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