Director: Roger Michell
Cast includes: Lindsay duncan, Jim Broadbent, Jeff Goldblum
Get a free hot drink with your Thursday morning ticket
93 min/ 2013 / UK

Almost-retirees who, in the autumn of their lives, have decided to award themselves a Eurostar trip to the world's most romantic city in an attempt to rejuvenate their 30 year old marriage. Hanif Kureishi’s wonderful script and the excellent performances help balance the tone between comedy and drama, while Michell celebrates the city’s rich cinematic heritage. 

Le Week-End is about an interesting subject, a subject that is the elephant in the living room – and that is the emotional and sexual lives of old or older people, who generally don't get to appear much on movies or television. Meg and Nick are finding that as they get older, mother nature has played a cruel trick on them.

As well as the persistent twinges and pains and agonies of physical decay, they find that they are still poignantly interested in life, interested enough to yearn for more, and to be therefore intensely dissatisfied with themselves and with each other as time runs out, and to find they are still sufficiently compos mentis for this to be almost intolerably painful.

Funny, poignant and ultimately hopeful - Le Weekend  is a little like a British version of 'Before Sunset' for empty-nesters.

Thursday morning screenings include a free cuppa with your ticket.

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